This puzzle has both standard rotational symmetry and diagonal symmetry. One coding project I'd like to work on (someday when I have time...) is a way to generate all grids of a certain size that have both those symmetries. Perhaps I could even tweak the code to ensure certain restrictions on word lengths and black square counts. If you're interested in working on that, too, let me know!
I think this one will be a little challenging for its size (9x9) but not too hard overall. I'll label it "hard" just in case, though.
[spoiler alert] For when you're done, here's a link to more info about Hedetniemi's conjecture, which is mentioned in 4-Down. My mathematical research these days involves similar ideas (Cartesian and strong graph products), so let me know if you're interested in learning more about that, too!
Enjoy the solve, and share if you do! Constructive feedback in the comments is always welcome.
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