My numbering scheme tells me that almost half of all the puzzles I've posted here have been of the midi themeless variety, so... I hope y'all enjoy them! I like making them because it's a chance to highlight some fun entries or clues without necessarily building a whole 15x puzzle around them (that's 15-Across and 4-Down, in this one), as well as a way to experiment with grid shapes and symmetries and have something to show for it (that's diagonal symmetry and a pretty low black square percentage, in this one). They're also sooo much faster to make than 15x puzzles, like, disproportionately so, in my experience!
I think this is a medium-hard difficulty overall, and I'll err on the hard side just because of a few proper nouns.
Enjoy the solve, and share if you do! Constructive feedback in the comments is always welcome.
Download links: [puz] [pdf] [solution] Direct link: [play online]
Nice puz, thanks!