This puzzle is inspired by two events that happened yesterday! One of them is referenced in the central answer in this grid, which then ties into a couple of other answers, as well as the puzzle's title (which, by the way, is almost but not quite the same as my first entry in this "Grid 'n Play" series where I experiment with themeless grids). The other was Brian Thomas's crossword construction Twitch stream yesterday afternoon that taught me a lot about how to approach themeless grids and inspired me to try for a low word count puzzle.
What you see above is the grid I ended up with: it has 62 words (yay), 46 black squares (meh), and an average word length of 5.77. It has standard rotational symmetry, but it almost looks like it has diagonal symmetry. In fact, if you just slide one pair of those pyramids over one step, then you get a grid that is symmetric across both diagonals.
Be sure to check out Brian's Twitch (link here) and his blog (link here) where he posts a lot of great themeless puzzles.
Enjoy the solve, and share if you do! Constructive feedback in the comments is always welcome.
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