I have been working on variations of this theme for a while and I think something like this could work as a full-size puzzle, but this is the best I have so far. Let me know if you have similar ideas and want to discuss! (In particular, I wonder if something involving the Four Tops might work...) This is also a funny grid with theme answers in the long downs crossing a central revealer, and with non-theme answers of the same length sandwiching that revealer. Perhaps not the best layout, in general, but I think it works out alright for this puzzle. And I hope you enjoy some of the bonus fill, including those central non-themers and the 7s in the top-right/bottom-left corners. In other news, I made my print puzzle debut* with the Universal crossword this past Saturday 11/13! (The puzzles are only available online for a couple of weeks afterwards so I can't link to it anymore. And to be honest, I didn't even get to see it in print myself until a couple weeks later because I assu...
Hi, I'm Brendan! I teach mathematics at a liberal arts college and spend my spare time working on puzzles, both solving and constructing. I've made many crossword puzzles with mathematics themes and now I'm working on constructing some standard puzzles, some of which I will share on this blog. P.S. I know that graphic ^ is terribly amateurish but it's the best I can do. Could you make it better? Email me! I'm willing to spend some $$ on a nice graphic.